The first jewel I drew was this:
Two pieces of chiselled split silver, which come together to form a seed. Two flat elements come to create a new form in volume.
I was reading a book by Giordano Bruno at that time and I was inspired by his text "Des Liens" of which here is an excerpt:
"The soul, by its own inclination, experiences some appetite, so that, first, she is moved, converted, raptured; secondly, converted and enraptured, she is illumined by the ray of beauty, goodness and truth; the third time, radiant and illuminated, she embraces herself with a sensual appetite; bedroom, embraced, she ardently covets to adhere to the beloved; fifth, adhering to him, she mingles and merges with him; sixth, incorporated into it, she strips herself of her old form and, in a way, abandons herself, and affects an alien quality; seventh, it is transformed, becomes the very support of this quality in which it has transported itself, and by which it has been affected. The said Platonists call conversion to movement the preparation of Cupid, the actual conversion, the birth of Cupid; enlightenment, the food of Cupid; conflagration, the growth of Cupid; membership, the assault of Cupid; incorporation, the conquest of Cupid; the transformation, the triumph of Cupid, or his perfection. »
The book had inspired my first jewelry collection on the theme "LINKS", links between beings, between cultures, between continents...
And I drew this jewel:
These two pieces are pendants to be exchanged. Their simple form does not suggest their wedding function. Typically, artisans inscribe their name, in Tifinagh, on the back of each piece of jewelry; Here, this is not the case. When we finished the first prototype, Amada and Willy explained to me that these rings could not bear the name of the craftsmen, they wanted to write "Tera" on them, the feeling of love in their language. And in their alphabet it is written as: +.O.
Today, I see people wearing them without anyone around them knowing that they are wedding bands. Sometimes it is lovers who exchange them, sometimes two sisters, a mother and her child, two friends... Sometimes the exchange takes place on a birthday, on a beach, in a hot air balloon, in the shop, or in front of the mayor. … That's the pretty cool thing about designing jewelry: seeing others adopt it and create their intimate story with it.
Often the jewel is an intimate object, the ring like the Téra pendant is worn, offered with a good dose of symbolism, it is not a "costume jewel" because it contains meaning.
I like this idea of cultivating, "cultivating" what I draw. Jewels carry stories, texts, exhibitions, shows, travels, ethics, know-how. Then, those who wear them, offer them, give them meaning...
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