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At Ombre Claire, each men’s ring celebrates one of our beautiful encounters…⁠
Today, we invite you to meet Lucien!⁠

Lucien is the creator of familialement , a project in which the artist designer customizes, among other things, clothes for dearmama
He showed up at the store one day, smiling from ear to ear, asking us lots of questions, happy to meet other creators. He got into the habit of visiting us regularly, sharing his many projects with us.⁠
Communicative, full of energy and enthusiasm, Lucien has only one word to say "It's INCREDIBLE!" ...and we love it!⁠

He therefore became the godfather of the Lucien ring.

He agreed to answer a few questions for us:

How did your story with Ombre Claire begin?

Our story began thanks to Maison Château Rouge and my irresistible curiosity.


Who are you ?

My name is Lucien Lambert, I am an artist, artisan designer and my goal is to bring together a team of artists to be able to make the world a better place.

What was your first Ombre Claire piece of jewelry?

The knight Youssouf that I never leave.

What is your fondest travel memory?

Barcelona and the Sagrada Familia, but also Florence in Italy.

Where do you dream of taking your Ombre Claire jewelry?

I would love to take it all over England.

What Ombre Claire jewelry would you like to give to someone important in your life?

The beautiful Vol Direct bracelet and I will give it to my mother.


Your ethics, your mood?

Alone we go faster, together we go further.



Thank you Lucien and welcome to the Ombre Claire tribe!


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