It scrolls, it scrolls, it mixes.
The latest Nike, Hassan Hajjaj's photo, the students' K pop, the literary outing with Virginie Despentes, and Luz Casal on the radio. You learn Italian on an iPhone while eating shirashi in a plastic bowl.
The young stranger in her studio in Seoul meets my shepherd friend in the Sahara on my screen.
Ah! I received a text: Axelle has arrived safely in Dublin. There's a concert tonight. Sinead O’Connor.
Anchali called, it’s carnival in the middle of the desert in Agadez.
A photo of Artsi Ifrah appears: “wow, it’s so beautiful! »
I appreciate, I mix, I mix.
My world is artisanal, my world is global.
Beyoncé shares a story on Instagram and then the small brand that makes hand-embroidered belts in Mexico. Then this account on Berber jewelry. A Chanel fashion show.
Wouldn't we do a badass selfie like in a rap video at the Chinese canteen up the street?
No, right now I'm going to buy myself a lassi at the Indian restaurant on rue St Maur instead.
My world is local, my world is global.

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